Rasmus Koch Studio
Femvejen 2 — DK-2920 Charlottenlund — Denmark (NEW ADDRESS !!)
+45 3332 2633 — mail@rasmuskoch.com

Shrinking Cities – Poster Interventions

architecture; art; cyan; exhibition; poster; urbanism;
Poster design for 'Shrinking Cities – Interventions'. The exhibition in Leipzig concentrated on the concepts for action and interventions for urbanism in eastern Germany.

In the USA, Britain, Germany or Belgium, Finland, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, or China: everywhere, cities are shrinking. It is a general pattern of our civilization stimulated by many economic and social factors. The shrinking city is a contradiction to the classic industrial boomtown of the late 19th and early 20th century.

'Shrinking Cities – Interventions' was the second stage in the 'Shrinking Cities' project. Its function was to pose the question of how to deal with this phenomena in Eastern Germany, and to see it not as a problem but as an opportunity. International artists, architects and researchers developed artistic interventions and self-empowerment projects, architectural, landscape and media interventions, new legal regulations and utopian visions.

The condemned buildings everywhere in the city of Leipzig were our surface for the poster interventions. There were five themes in the exhibition, and each theme was given a colour. Five statements were used to agitate and stimulate thought and debate on the idea of shrinking cities, bringing the themes out into the subject of the exhibition.

Format: 594 x 841 mm, offset.

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2005, 2006, 2008

Leipzig, Dresden, Halle, DE

Shrinking Cities – Poster Interventions

Shrinking Cities

A three-year initiative of Germany's Federal Cultural Foundation, seeking to expand Germany's city-planning debate - until now concentrated on questions of demolishing surplus apartments and improving residential quarters - to address new questions and perspectives. The project placed developments in eastern Germany in an international context, involving various artistic, design, and research disciplines in the search for strategies for action.


Rasmus Koch; Jakob Trägårdh; Alexander Häggström
credit This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License, unless otherwise noted.

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